
Wouldn't it be nice for you to have someone gather all the information, news, data, and research, synthesize that information by topic and put it all in one place where you can quickly browse and find what you need to read?

That's what aggregators do. According to your paradigms, aggregators pull information from blogs and websites you've designated and compiles those entries chronologically with a brief summary/intro to the post.

Aggregators are also called readers, the most popular being, of course Google Reader.

There are several types of readers or aggregators:
  • News aggregator, a computer software or website that aggregates news from other news sources.
  • Poll aggregator, a website that aggregates polling data for upcoming elections.
  • Review aggregator, a website that aggregates reviews for movies.
  • Video aggregator, a website that collects and organizes online movie sources.
  • Search aggregator, software that runs on a user's computer and fetches, filters, and organizes a specific search from various search engines.

Syllabus - Course Description, Goal and Outcomes

This course is designed for majors in the New Media track to develop essential social media production skills. Curriculum focuses on practicum in acquiring, digitizing, editing and distributing digital information, and theory relevant to structuring content for converged access.

The goal of this course competency in fundamental digital media production in graduates preparing to be content specialists producing and distributing content via social media.

To this end, if you show up regularly, listen and contribute to discussion, and do the activities involved in this course’s curriculum, you will be able to:

1.  Create and maintain a blog,

2.  Produce digital audio content for a pod cast posted to your blog,

3.  Shoot and enhance photos and upload them to your blog,

4.  Tell a good story with images and sound,

5.  Produce and publish your video to your blog,

6.  Evaluate the efficacy of your blog.

Syllabus - Item Pool and Course Requirements

These activities are designed to get you discovering different aspects and applications of new media production, develop a working knowledge of specific social media technology, and contribute to your portfolio.

Read Blogs (Objective 1) 100 Points
Subscribe to and read blogs that speak to your passions and interests, one of which is now social media. Check Think Links on this blog for suggestions. Why read? You’re connecting with ideas, trends, attitudes positions and people when you read blogs. Good blogs lead to other good blogs. Check out blogrolls and links found in sidebars.  

Create and Maintain a Blog (Objective 1) 100 Points
Think of this as outgoing, sharing, reaching out to foster critical thinking and encourage discussion. Link out to other posts and blogs to promote and establish your identity and your niche. There are many blog offerings, two of which I recommend are Word Press and Blogger.

Pod Cast (Objective 2) 200 Points
Acquire, edit and distribute digital audio content in a pod cast posted to your blog. You will need to purchase a digital audio recorder that can download files. Learn to use it exploiting all its paradigms. Learn interview protocols in using your digital recorder.  Edit your audio by uploading your files to your Mac or PC, organize your content and edit. Export the file to your blog.

Digital Photojournalism (Objective 3) 100 Points
Shoot. Acquire images that amplify the impact of your content, support your story, and lend context to the theme of your blog post. Edit and digitally enhance your images for clarity and aesthetics. Post your images to your blog, integrating to complement your message.

Slide Show (Objective 4) 200 Points
Using Soundslides, create audio/visual media to tell a tale, promote an idea, or as part of a larger campaign, persuade. You will need to purchase and download Soundslides to this end.

Moving Pictures (Objective 5) 200 Points
Shoot and edit video using desktop editing tools and publish your video to your blog.

Analytics (Objective 6) 100 Points
Use inherent or Google Analytics to track your blog’s efficacy and interpret the data.

Syllabus - Course Policies and Resources

As a core class for the Bachelor of Communication degree, New Media Track, you need to achieve a C+ or higher as the grade outcome of this class for it to count towards your degree requirements.

Final Exam
The final exam for this class is December 15th at 10:00am.

Missing Class
Class attendance goes without question. Two absences and your evaluation drops one whole grade. Four absences results in administrative withdrawal or if after the withdraw deadline, failing the course. There is no such thing as an excused absence. You show up or you don’t. The drop date this semester is October 18th.

Plagiarism and Cheating
Plagiarism is the use of another source’s words, ideas or statistics without their permission and/or proper citation. Anyone who plagiarizes material in any activity, blog post or other assignment will receive a grade of zero on that assignment. Proper attribution for all media and content is expected. Please keep in mind that one can be expelled from the college for academic dishonesty.

Also see Academic dishonesty / Academic integrity policy.

Electronic Devices
Cell phones will not be tolerated in class. Turn them off while you’re here. First interruption infraction and you're buying everyone pizza and sodas the next meeting. Second infraction and you're buying everyone lunch at Cafe Rio. Lap tops are encouraged for use in class discussion and research. Facebook on your own time.

Submission of Assignments and Activities
All assignments for COMM 2460 are submitted online via your blog which becomes part of my blog list. I'll be notified by following your blog. 

I don't accept notifications beyond the posted deadline, nor do I accept technical excuses like a crashed computer or a blogging glitch. Blog content containing typographical and grammatical errors will be severely discounted in points. Proof and submit your best work.

The college provides a free service for students desiring additional assistance with their writing assignments. The Writing Center is located in the Browning Building. Call Barbara Turnbow at 652-7743 for information.

Email Communication
Important class and college information will be sent to your D-mail account. All DSC students are automatically assigned a D-mail email account. Click and select D-mail for complete instructions. You will be held accountable for information sent to your D-mail, so please check it often.

I reserve the right to remove any student from this class and/or program based on documentable breech of citizenship such as sexual harassment, hostile environment, discrimination based on race, religion, gender and/or sexual preference, plagiarism, misrepresentation, and/or malicious gossip.

Withdrawal and Drop Deadlines
Please consult the semester schedule for withdrawal and reimbursement deadlines. You will be charged a $10 fee for dropping this class.

Students with Disabilities
If you are a student with a medical, psychological or a learning difference and requesting reasonable academic accommodations due to this disability, you must provide an official request of accommodation to your professor(s) from the Disability Resource Center within the first two weeks of the beginning of classes. Students are to contact the center on the main campus to follow through with, and receive assistance in the documentation process to determine the appropriate accommodations related to their disability.
You may call (435) 652-7516 for an appointment and further information regarding the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 per Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. The office is located in the Student Services Center, Room #201 of the Edith Whitehead Building.
Library and Literacy Contacts
Dianne Hirning is the librarian over Communication resources. She is your resource and guide for research within this discipline. You can reach her at and by phone at 652-7720.
