These activities are designed to get you discovering different aspects and applications of new media production, develop a working knowledge of specific social media technology, and contribute to your portfolio.
Read Blogs (Objective 1) 100 Points
Subscribe to and read blogs that speak to your passions and interests, one of which is now social media. Check Think Links on this blog for suggestions. Why read? You’re connecting with ideas, trends, attitudes positions and people when you read blogs. Good blogs lead to other good blogs. Check out blogrolls and links found in sidebars.
Create and Maintain a Blog (Objective 1) 100 Points
Think of this as outgoing, sharing, reaching out to foster critical thinking and encourage discussion. Link out to other posts and blogs to promote and establish your identity and your niche. There are many blog offerings, two of which I recommend are Word Press and Blogger.
Pod Cast (Objective 2) 200 Points
Acquire, edit and distribute digital audio content in a pod cast posted to your blog. You will need to purchase a digital audio recorder that can download files. Learn to use it exploiting all its paradigms. Learn interview protocols in using your digital recorder. Edit your audio by uploading your files to your Mac or PC, organize your content and edit. Export the file to your blog.
Digital Photojournalism (Objective 3) 100 Points
Shoot. Acquire images that amplify the impact of your content, support your story, and lend context to the theme of your blog post. Edit and digitally enhance your images for clarity and aesthetics. Post your images to your blog, integrating to complement your message.
Slide Show (Objective 4) 200 Points
Using Soundslides, create audio/visual media to tell a tale, promote an idea, or as part of a larger campaign, persuade. You will need to purchase and download Soundslides to this end.
Moving Pictures (Objective 5) 200 Points
Shoot and edit video using desktop editing tools and publish your video to your blog.
Analytics (Objective 6) 100 Points
Use inherent or Google Analytics to track your blog’s efficacy and interpret the data.