3. Produce digital audio content for a podcast posted to your blog.
200 Points Possible
Acquire, edit and post a minimum of two podcasts to your blog. Conduct your interviews to the end of getting solid sound bites and natural sound. Record your narrative. Edit your audio to eliminate the extraneous but maintain continuity and to include music and ambient audio to enhance the story.
There are dozens of podcast producing apps out there and as many way to upload content to your blog. Find what works for you and for your blog platform. An iPhone 5 or beyond has plenty quality and capacity to be a production tool for this assignment.
1. You've acquired quality audio data including an interview and nat sound that supports the context of your story.
3. You've edited your podcast using nat sound mixed in a second channel in a cogent podcast not to exceed two minutes.
/40 points possible
4. You've posted a minumum of two podcasts.
1. You've acquired quality audio data including an interview and nat sound that supports the context of your story.
/100 points possible
2. You've conducted the content of your interview resulting in complete sentences and sound bites to avoid editing out of context.
/40 points possible
Professional (80-100 points)
The student's audio content includes quality audio data including an interview and nat sound that supports the context of their story.
Accomplished (49-79 points)
The student's audio content is clear but compromised in production and editing.
Novice (1-49 points)
The student simply posted audio without editing.
2. You've conducted the content of your interview resulting in complete sentences and sound bites to avoid editing out of context.
/40 points possible
Professional (80-100 points)
The student's audio content has minimal edits to support their interview's credibility.
Accomplished (49-79 points)
The student's audio content has some continuity issues.
Novice (1-49 points)
The student simply posted audio without editing.
3. You've edited your podcast using nat sound mixed in a second channel in a cogent podcast not to exceed two minutes.
/40 points possible
Professional (80-100 points)
The student's audio content includes well-mixed nat sound and music.
Accomplished (49-79 points)
The student's audio content includes nat sound but has some mixing issues.
Novice (1-49 points)
The student simply posted audio without editing.
4. You've posted a minumum of two podcasts.
/20 points possible
Posted Two (20 points)
Posted One (10 points)