Produce Video Content - Rubric

Produce and edit video content and publish to your blog.
Create a social media strategy to cross-promote your blog over at least two platforms. 

200 Points

Acquire, edit and post a minimum of two videos using YouTube as a distribution engine. Your video content supports your blog's objectives. Shoot and edit video with a smartphone using editing apps or desktop tools. Produce talking-heads, interviews and b-roll, then edit content into a package not to exceed two minutes. 

1.  You've acquired well-composed and exposed video, including a talking head, an interview and b-roll for coverage.
/40 points possible
Professional (80-100 points)
The student's video content is well-composed and exposed, and includes a talking head, an interview and b-roll for coverage. 

Accomplished (49-79 points)
The student's video content lacks composition and good exposure, but includes a talking head, an interview and b-roll for coverage. 

Novice (1-49 points)
The student simply posted straight video without editing. 

2.  You've shot b-roll including establishing, long and medium shots, close-ups and extreme closeups to tell your story.
/40 points possible
Professional (35-40 points)
The student's b-roll includes establishing, long and medium shots, close-ups and extreme closeups to tell their story

Accomplished (20-34 points)
The student's b-roll lacks variety but still tells their story.

Novice (1-19 points)
The student simply posted straight video without editing. 

3.  You've lit your talking head and interviews well using existing light.
/20 points possible
Crafted (15-20 points)
The student's talking head and interviews are well lit using existing light to created either split of Rembrandt modeling. 

Meh (0-14 points)
The student's talking head and interviews have no evidence of light modeling. 

4. You've edited a cogent package and have exported and published your video using YouTube as a distribution engine to your blog. 
/100 points possible
Professional (80-100 points)
The student's edited video content meets the above criteria and has been posted using YouTube as a distribution engine. 

Accomplished (49-79 points)
The student's edited video meets some of the above criteria content and has been posted using YouTube as a distribution engine.

Novice (0-49 points)
The student simply posted straight video without editing from a desktop file or did not post at all.