Create a social media strategy to cross-promote your blog over at least two platforms.
Evaluate the efficacy of your work through data analytics.
Adjust and adapt to your audience.
100 Points Possible
Use inherent or Google Analytics to track your blog’s efficacy and interpret the data. Post your analysis on your Strategy page.
1. You've gathered and interpreted Blogger data in terms of stats on posts, traffic and audience. Post on Strategy page.
/50 Points Possible
Synthesized (40-50 points)
The student has gathered and interpreted Blogger data in terms of stats on posts, traffic and audience and has posted their results on their strategy page.
Crickets (0 points)
No post has been created.
2. You've made changes as needed on your blog to increase comments and shares according to your data analysis.
/50 Points Possible
Closing the Loop (40-50 points)
The student has made changes as needed on their blog to increase comments and shares according to their data analysis.
Meh (0-14 points)
The student's data analysis is shallow with no reform.