1. Create and Maintain a blog.
Select a topic or subject of which you're passionate or want to know more about. Create a blog that supports your choice that sustains your communication objectives and your targeted audience. Publish a minimum of twelve posts and include pages for navigation such as an About page, an Archive page, and/or a popular post link.
Think of this as outgoing, sharing, reaching out to foster critical thinking and encourage discussion. Link out to other blogs (a blogroll) that speak to your topic to promote and establish your identity and your niche. Use either Google's Blogger or WordPress as your platform.
Points: 200
1. You've established a blog that represents a topic or subject of which you're passionate or want to know more about.
Points: 200
1. You've established a blog that represents a topic or subject of which you're passionate or want to know more about.
/30 Points Possible
Established (25-30 points)
The student's blog represents a subject of which they're passionate or want to know more about.
The student's blog represents a subject of which they're passionate or want to know more about.
Aware (15-24 points)
The student's blog is an awareness of a topic.
Surface (1-14)
The student's blog is generic.
2. You've written clear communication objectives, what shared meaning you want to achieve with your audience and have posted these on your created About page.
/20 Points Possible
Clear (15-20 points)
The student's objectives speak to the intent of the blog.know more about.
The student's objectives speak to the intent of the blog.know more about.
Fuzzy (5-14 points)
The student's objectives are unclear.
Dark (1-4)
The student's objectives have no direction.
3. You've designed your blog to represent your communication objectives and to appeal to your desired audience, editing existing templates for layout, color and font selection.
/10 Points Possible
Designed (4-10 points)
The student's blog design is in line with the blog's communicative intent.
The student's blog design is in line with the blog's communicative intent.
Abstract (1-6 points)
The student's design is too abstract for its objectives.
Generic (0)
There is no redesign of the template.
4. You've published a variety of content including writing, podcasts, images, video and curated content, with a minimum of twelve posts.
/100 Points Possible
Comprehensive (80-100 points)
The student's published posts respond to the needs of their objectives and include writing, podcasts, images, video and curated content. The posts drive comments and shares.
The student's published posts respond to the needs of their objectives and include writing, podcasts, images, video and curated content. The posts drive comments and shares.
Fuzzy (50-79 points)
The posts relate to their topic objectives but lack variety and strategic publishing.
Dark (1-49)
The posts default to reposting curated content and drive little interest in comments or sharing.
5. You've written impeccably.
/30 Points Possible
Impeccable (28-30 points)
Free of grammar, spelling and formatting errors.
Pretty Good (15-27 points)
A few writing faux pas here and there.
A few writing faux pas here and there.
Do-over (0-14)
Content is overrun by careless writing.
6. You've created a blog archive.
/5 Points Possible
Yes (5 points)
No (0 points)
7. You've created a blogroll of other similar subject blogs in an effort to establish identity and draw more readers.
/5 Points Possible
Yes (5 points)
No (0 points)