Analytics - Rubric

Create a social media strategy to cross-promote your blog over at least two platforms.
Evaluate the efficacy of your work through data analytics.
Adjust and adapt to your audience.
100 Points Possible
Use inherent or Google Analytics to track your blog’s efficacy and interpret the data. Post your analysis on your Strategy page.
1. You've gathered and interpreted Blogger data in terms of stats on posts, traffic and audience. Post on Strategy page.
/50 Points Possible
Synthesized (40-50 points)
The student has gathered and interpreted Blogger data in terms of stats on posts, traffic and audience and has posted their results on their strategy page.
Crickets (0 points)
No post has been created.
2. You've made changes as needed on your blog to increase comments and shares according to your data analysis.
/50 Points Possible
Closing the Loop (40-50 points)
The student has made changes as needed on their blog to increase comments and shares according to their data analysis.
Meh (0-14 points)
The student's data analysis is shallow with no reform.
Cross-Promote - Rubric
Create a social media strategy to cross-promote your blog over at least two platforms.
Evaluate the efficacy of your work through data analytics.
Adjust and adapt to your audience.
Create a social media strategy to cross-promote your blog over at least two platforms.
Evaluate the efficacy of your work through data analytics.
Adjust and adapt to your audience.
100 Points Possible
Create a social media strategy to cross-promote your blog over at least two platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Use your existing channels to promote and drive traffic traffic to your blog site.
Crickets (0 points)
No page has been created.
Meh (5-14 points)
The student's cross-promoting is limited to a couple of posts here and there.
Meh (0)
The student has no cross-promotion.
Create a social media strategy to cross-promote your blog over at least two platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Use your existing channels to promote and drive traffic traffic to your blog site.
1. You've established a social media strategy including which channels you'll be using to promote your blog.
1. You've established a social media strategy including which channels you'll be using to promote your blog.
/50 Points Possible
Established (40-50 points)
The student has created a Strategy page that hosts their strategy that includes methods by which they will encourage commenting and sharing and which channels they will use to do so.
The student has created a Strategy page that hosts their strategy that includes methods by which they will encourage commenting and sharing and which channels they will use to do so.
Crickets (0 points)
No page has been created.
2. You've executed your strategy, cross-promoting over a minimum of two social media channels. Post screen shots of your campaign to your Strategy page.
/50 Points Possible
Killin' It (15-20 points)
The student's cross-promotion strategy is increasing their comments, likes and share interactions with their blog.
The student's cross-promotion strategy is increasing their comments, likes and share interactions with their blog.
Meh (5-14 points)
The student's cross-promoting is limited to a couple of posts here and there.
Meh (0)
The student has no cross-promotion.
Create and Maintain a Blog
1. Create and Maintain a blog.
Select a topic or subject of which you're passionate or want to know more about. Create a blog that supports your choice that sustains your communication objectives and your targeted audience. Publish a minimum of twelve posts and include pages for navigation such as an About page, an Archive page, and/or a popular post link.
Aware (15-24 points)
The student's blog is an awareness of a topic.
Surface (1-14)
The student's blog is generic.
Fuzzy (5-14 points)
The student's objectives are unclear.
Dark (1-4)
The student's objectives have no direction.
Abstract (1-6 points)
The student's design is too abstract for its objectives.
Generic (0)
There is no redesign of the template.
Fuzzy (50-79 points)
The posts relate to their topic objectives but lack variety and strategic publishing.
Dark (1-49)
The posts default to reposting curated content and drive little interest in comments or sharing.
Do-over (0-14)
1. Create and Maintain a blog.
Select a topic or subject of which you're passionate or want to know more about. Create a blog that supports your choice that sustains your communication objectives and your targeted audience. Publish a minimum of twelve posts and include pages for navigation such as an About page, an Archive page, and/or a popular post link.
Think of this as outgoing, sharing, reaching out to foster critical thinking and encourage discussion. Link out to other blogs (a blogroll) that speak to your topic to promote and establish your identity and your niche. Use either Google's Blogger or WordPress as your platform.
Points: 200
1. You've established a blog that represents a topic or subject of which you're passionate or want to know more about.
Points: 200
1. You've established a blog that represents a topic or subject of which you're passionate or want to know more about.
/30 Points Possible
Established (25-30 points)
The student's blog represents a subject of which they're passionate or want to know more about.
The student's blog represents a subject of which they're passionate or want to know more about.
Aware (15-24 points)
The student's blog is an awareness of a topic.
Surface (1-14)
The student's blog is generic.
2. You've written clear communication objectives, what shared meaning you want to achieve with your audience and have posted these on your created About page.
/20 Points Possible
Clear (15-20 points)
The student's objectives speak to the intent of the blog.know more about.
The student's objectives speak to the intent of the blog.know more about.
Fuzzy (5-14 points)
The student's objectives are unclear.
Dark (1-4)
The student's objectives have no direction.
3. You've designed your blog to represent your communication objectives and to appeal to your desired audience, editing existing templates for layout, color and font selection.
/10 Points Possible
Designed (4-10 points)
The student's blog design is in line with the blog's communicative intent.
The student's blog design is in line with the blog's communicative intent.
Abstract (1-6 points)
The student's design is too abstract for its objectives.
Generic (0)
There is no redesign of the template.
4. You've published a variety of content including writing, podcasts, images, video and curated content, with a minimum of twelve posts.
/100 Points Possible
Comprehensive (80-100 points)
The student's published posts respond to the needs of their objectives and include writing, podcasts, images, video and curated content. The posts drive comments and shares.
The student's published posts respond to the needs of their objectives and include writing, podcasts, images, video and curated content. The posts drive comments and shares.
Fuzzy (50-79 points)
The posts relate to their topic objectives but lack variety and strategic publishing.
Dark (1-49)
The posts default to reposting curated content and drive little interest in comments or sharing.
5. You've written impeccably.
/30 Points Possible
Impeccable (28-30 points)
Free of grammar, spelling and formatting errors.
Pretty Good (15-27 points)
A few writing faux pas here and there.
A few writing faux pas here and there.
Do-over (0-14)
Content is overrun by careless writing.
6. You've created a blog archive.
/5 Points Possible
Yes (5 points)
No (0 points)
7. You've created a blogroll of other similar subject blogs in an effort to establish identity and draw more readers.
/5 Points Possible
Yes (5 points)
No (0 points)
Produce Video Content - Rubric
Produce and edit video content and publish to your blog.
Create a social media strategy to cross-promote your blog over at least two platforms.
Create a social media strategy to cross-promote your blog over at least two platforms.
200 Points
Acquire, edit and post a minimum of two videos using YouTube as a distribution engine. Your video content supports your blog's objectives. Shoot and edit video with a smartphone using editing apps or desktop tools. Produce talking-heads, interviews and b-roll, then edit content into a package not to exceed two minutes.
1. You've acquired well-composed and exposed video, including a talking head, an interview and b-roll for coverage.
/40 points possible
2. You've shot b-roll including establishing, long and medium shots, close-ups and extreme closeups to tell your story.
/40 points possible
3. You've lit your talking head and interviews well using existing light.
/20 points possible
/40 points possible
Professional (80-100 points)
The student's video content is well-composed and exposed, and includes a talking head, an interview and b-roll for coverage.
Accomplished (49-79 points)
The student's video content lacks composition and good exposure, but includes a talking head, an interview and b-roll for coverage.
Novice (1-49 points)
The student simply posted straight video without editing.
2. You've shot b-roll including establishing, long and medium shots, close-ups and extreme closeups to tell your story.
/40 points possible
Professional (35-40 points)
The student's b-roll includes establishing, long and medium shots, close-ups and extreme closeups to tell their story
Accomplished (20-34 points)
The student's b-roll lacks variety but still tells their story.
Novice (1-19 points)
The student simply posted straight video without editing.
3. You've lit your talking head and interviews well using existing light.
/20 points possible
Crafted (15-20 points)
The student's talking head and interviews are well lit using existing light to created either split of Rembrandt modeling.
Meh (0-14 points)
The student's talking head and interviews have no evidence of light modeling.
4. You've edited a cogent package and have exported and published your video using YouTube as a distribution engine to your blog.
/100 points possible
Professional (80-100 points)
The student's edited video content meets the above criteria and has been posted using YouTube as a distribution engine.
Accomplished (49-79 points)
The student's edited video meets some of the above criteria content and has been posted using YouTube as a distribution engine.
Novice (0-49 points)
The student simply posted straight video without editing from a desktop file or did not post at all.
Create Podcast Content - Rubric
3. Produce digital audio content for a podcast posted to your blog.
200 Points Possible
Acquire, edit and post a minimum of two podcasts to your blog. Conduct your interviews to the end of getting solid sound bites and natural sound. Record your narrative. Edit your audio to eliminate the extraneous but maintain continuity and to include music and ambient audio to enhance the story.
3. Produce digital audio content for a podcast posted to your blog.
200 Points Possible
Acquire, edit and post a minimum of two podcasts to your blog. Conduct your interviews to the end of getting solid sound bites and natural sound. Record your narrative. Edit your audio to eliminate the extraneous but maintain continuity and to include music and ambient audio to enhance the story.
There are dozens of podcast producing apps out there and as many way to upload content to your blog. Find what works for you and for your blog platform. An iPhone 5 or beyond has plenty quality and capacity to be a production tool for this assignment.
1. You've acquired quality audio data including an interview and nat sound that supports the context of your story.
3. You've edited your podcast using nat sound mixed in a second channel in a cogent podcast not to exceed two minutes.
/40 points possible
4. You've posted a minumum of two podcasts.
1. You've acquired quality audio data including an interview and nat sound that supports the context of your story.
/100 points possible
2. You've conducted the content of your interview resulting in complete sentences and sound bites to avoid editing out of context.
/40 points possible
Professional (80-100 points)
The student's audio content includes quality audio data including an interview and nat sound that supports the context of their story.
Accomplished (49-79 points)
The student's audio content is clear but compromised in production and editing.
Novice (1-49 points)
The student simply posted audio without editing.
2. You've conducted the content of your interview resulting in complete sentences and sound bites to avoid editing out of context.
/40 points possible
Professional (80-100 points)
The student's audio content has minimal edits to support their interview's credibility.
Accomplished (49-79 points)
The student's audio content has some continuity issues.
Novice (1-49 points)
The student simply posted audio without editing.
3. You've edited your podcast using nat sound mixed in a second channel in a cogent podcast not to exceed two minutes.
/40 points possible
Professional (80-100 points)
The student's audio content includes well-mixed nat sound and music.
Accomplished (49-79 points)
The student's audio content includes nat sound but has some mixing issues.
Novice (1-49 points)
The student simply posted audio without editing.
4. You've posted a minumum of two podcasts.
/20 points possible
Posted Two (20 points)
Posted One (10 points)
Create Photographic Content - Rubric
2. Create, correct and upload original photographic content to support blog posts,
200 Points Possible
Shoot. Acquire images that amplify the impact of your content, support your story, and lend context to the theme of your blog posts. Edit and digitally enhance your images for clarity and aesthetics. Post your images to your blog, integrating to complement your message.
1. You've shot a minimum of twelve images that amplify and support your blog posts' content and provide context for the theme of your writing, using compositional influences including the rule of thirds, vectors and frame forces.
/100 Points Possible
2. You've digitally edited your photographic content for exposure, saturation, structure, clarity and aesthetics.
/80 Points Possible
3. You've posted images in proper size proportional to their blog's margins.
/20 Points Possible
2. Create, correct and upload original photographic content to support blog posts,
200 Points Possible
Shoot. Acquire images that amplify the impact of your content, support your story, and lend context to the theme of your blog posts. Edit and digitally enhance your images for clarity and aesthetics. Post your images to your blog, integrating to complement your message.
1. You've shot a minimum of twelve images that amplify and support your blog posts' content and provide context for the theme of your writing, using compositional influences including the rule of thirds, vectors and frame forces.
/100 Points Possible
Professional (25-30 points)
The student's original photography supports post content, is well-exposed and is composed following compositional principles.
Accomplished (15-24 points)
The student's photography supports post content.
Novice (1-14)
The student's pics are generic snapshots.
2. You've digitally edited your photographic content for exposure, saturation, structure, clarity and aesthetics.
/80 Points Possible
Professional (65-80 points)
The student's original photography is edited for exposure, saturation, structure, clarity and aesthetics.
Accomplished (35-64 points)
The student's photography is posted without editing but generally upholds exposure, saturation, structure, clarity and aesthetics.
Novice (1-34)
The student's pics are generic snapshots.
3. You've posted images in proper size proportional to their blog's margins.
/20 Points Possible
In Whack (20 points)
Images are posted to the margin requirements.
Out of Whack (0 points)
Images are too small or overrun the blog's margins.
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